Crafty councillors have unveiled their latest weapon against speeding motorists - 4 cardboard cut-out traffic cops complete with hi-vis jacket and speed gun. Known as "pop up bob figures"
Residents of Eglington Crescent in Edinburgh were concerned that motorists were regularly breaching the 20mph limit on their road and have now been given a pop up bob to use and advised to use it on alternate days.
Officers from The City of Edinburgh Council have praised the cardboard policeman as a useful road safety tool, however some others are not quite so
Labour councillor Gordon Munro questioned the effectiveness of what he labelled a 'token gesture'.
'How effective are these going to be once drivers realise that’s all they are? Real police is what will inhibit driving.'
Superintendent Mark Rennie said 'Alongside
high-visibility patrols and safety cameras, the ‘pop-up Bob’ prop is
used in areas to help deter speeding and is a visual reminder to drivers
to make sure that they drive in a responsible manner,'
'The cut
out of a police officer holding a speed gun, which is not used in place
of genuine officers, can be deployed to areas where speeding has been
reported as an issue.
But some residents around the Haymarket part of Edinburgh have taken to social media to slam the cop cutouts.
One resident wrote online: 'I don’t think he’s cut out for the job.'
Another joked: 'This is a perfect late night pissed up thieving for any local student. Brilliant ornament for any student flat.'
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