Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Freedom of Information Act Reveals Britain's Top Speeders

So todays news has reveled that a motorist was caught driving at 149mph by a speed camera on the M25 in Swanley, Kent. this is actually probably old news as there has been no date put on the conviction and the information was released via the use of "the freedom of information act"

39 Police authorities in England and wales were asked by IAM the location and speed of the fastest motorists caught in the past year. 33 responded.

In general from reading the information it appears that the amount of speeding morotists is rising rapidly and attempts to make it as socially unacceptable as drink driving are failing miserably, again looking at the facts possibly because the penalties arent as harsh as they are for drink driving
30 Speed Limit

Highest speeds recorded by speed cameras in England and Wales
Speed limit (mph)Highest speed recorded (mph)Difference (mph)Location
7014979M25 Swanley
6012767A413 Wendover By-Pass, Wendover
5011969A414 Stanstead Abbotts
4011373A17 Station Rd, Swineshead Bridge

Kent Police said 66,357 people had been handed speeding notices in 2013, compared to 34,438 in 2010. (Response to a separate Freedom of Information request by BBC Radio Kent)
Sources BBC News and IAM

Monday, 19 May 2014

In Case You Missed It

last week Ex-minister Chris Huhne was ordered to pay £77,750 in legal costs

The costs were relating to his prosecution for passing speeding points on to Vicky Pryce his ex-wife (she herself was ordered to pay £49,200) for her part in the crime.

It seems to me that this is a very clear message from the government that you are always better just taking the points! Remembering that both parties got jail time as well.

To read this story please visit our news page

Tags: #chrishuhne #speeding #fined #points #drivinglicence #vivkypryce

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Eric Craggs Cleared of using LaserStar Laser Jammer

So on the 15th during this week Eric Craggs was cleared of using a LaserStar Laser Jammer.  Laser jammers have long been seen as a bit of a grey area of the law by those in the know as there has never been a successful prosecution of anyone using one as was the case this week.

They are legal to sell in the UK although possibly not in some other countries.

The product in question the "LaserStar" (not clear weather he was using the pro or elite version) works as both a jammer and a parking sensor.

To read the full news story about Eric Crags and the Laser Jammer  click here